What are waist beads?

•Waist beads are adornments originating in Africa made from glass, crystal stone, wood, and even metal. Waist beads are traditionally strung on cotton cord, tied or secured with a clasp. They are made custom to be worn around a woman or man’s waist or hip.

•Waist beads aren’t just jewelry, they are intentional adornments. They can be used to track weight changes, encourage self love, boost confidence, celebration of womanhood, rites of passage, sexuality, femininity, healing, spirituality, body shaping, amongst so much more. It is important to understand the cultural and spiritual content of waist beads and to wear with purpose and intention.



My name is Jo’Nelle (Nell) Hill, and I am the owner of BMore Waisted! Ever since I ordered my first waist bead, I’ve been knee deep in research on the
history of waist beads and what I learned was so beautiful and intriguing that I could not stop thinking about it. All I could do all day everyday was think
about waist beads and could not understand why I was so invested. I’m such a hardheaded person but this time I listened to what God had planned for me and not what I had planned for myself, and I knew what I had to do!

I’ve always been a creative person as far as I can remember. Always trying new things but nothing really stuck. I would just do things for a little while
then find something new to do. Not with waist beads, I have found a happiness that I can’t explain. Not only does making waist beads makes me happy; wearing them has made me happy, and seeing the happiness others get when wearing them,
is an unexplainable feeling!

I initially wanted waist beads to track my weight loss because let’s be real stepping on a scale can be so depressing and I also wanted them to feel more beautiful when I looked at myself, but I never knew it would come to me creating them but
here we are!

BMore has a double meaning. BMore is slang that represents the beautiful city Baltimore that I call home and in the history of waist beads it says that waist
beads were sometimes worn to maintain the figure so with my waist beads I hope that you can BE MORE waisted!